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Inclusive History Project Showcase

Inclusive History Project Showcase Event Flyer

Join us to learn about and celebrate the Inclusive History Project! You’ll hear from the IHP team about how we are beginning our research into the University of Michigan’s history. Leaders of some of the many existing projects on the university’s past will also share their progress and findings.

Participating projects include:
Justice InDeed
Native American Student Stories
Michigan Iranian American Oral History Project (MIAOHP)
Michigan Middle East Travelers Oral History Project (MMETOHP)
– IHP Teaching Fund grantees, including Manan Desai, Asian American Histories at the University of Michigan, and Finn Bell, Hidden Histories Archive

Drop in for any portion of the event—hear the opening presentation, talk with the IHP team, grab free swag, and eat and drink while visiting stations to learn about the history of the university from participating projects.

The opening presentation will be live-streamed for remote audiences.

This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but appreciated for planning purposes.
