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U-M Ross Business + Impact
U-M Ross Business + Impact
Map Your U-M Journey



group of people sitting at a table looking at a screen


Microaggressions are verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights. They can be overt, subtle or unintentional, and lead to significant consequences.

In this session, participants will:

  • Learn about “microaggressions” and other concepts relevant to this topic
  • Obtain an understanding of the social and psychological impacts of microaggressions
  • Engage in activities and dialogue to unveil microaggressions within the workplace
  • Validate experiences with microaggressions
  • Identify and discuss techniques to combat microaggressions, as a bystander or as a recipient

All LSA staff, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates currently employed in LSA are welcome to attend.

It is recommended that participants complete a course on Implicit Bias before taking this session. External guests may request to join as space allows.
