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PEERS Webinar: Equity in K-12 STEM Education: Framing Decisions for the Future – Research Considerations

Peers Data Hub

Longstanding, injurious inequities in STEM learning by race, ethnicity, gender, and social class pose a major barrier to American advancement. To address this, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Board on Science Education convened a 16-member committee of experts in PK–12 education, STEM, and equity. These leading experts reviewed issues associated with equity in STEM education and outlined steps we can take as educators, policymakers, and researchers toward more equitable STEM education experiences. Their findings have been recently released as the consensus study report Equity in K-12 STEM Education: Framing Decisions for the Future. In this webinar, members of the Committee on PreK-12 STEM Education will provide a brief overview of the consensus study’s framing, highlighting research-related conclusions and recommendations, with the opportunity to discuss future research possibilities with the community.

Megan Bang – Professor of learning sciences and psychology at Northwestern University and Senior Vice President at the Spencer Foundation

Maisie Gholson – Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Michigan

Stefanie Marshall Assistant Professor at Michigan State University

Eileen Parsons – Professor Emerita at the University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), where she served as faculty chair of the School of Education
Bill Penuel – Professor of Learning Sciences and Human Development in the School of Education and Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado

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This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be sent to all registrants.
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